Sunday, March 31, 2013



                           The Cross.......
The Cross of Christ
Intersection of death with Life
Overlap of justice and mercy
Union of joy with strife

 The Cross of Crucifixion
Beams vertical and horizontal meet
Divine mercy flowing downward
Scales of justice balancing sweet

The Cross of our Lord
Altar of Sacrifice lifted high
That all looking to Jesus Christ
May to the Father be nigh

 The Cross of Calvary
An expression of highest Love
God dying for His creation
That man may be with Him above

The Cross of Jesus
Heavy, yet it He did embrace
Suffering condemnation and cruelty
To save from sin the human race

 The Cross of Golgotha
Water and blood from Christ did flow
That all cleansed by His Sacrifice
Would divine love and mercy know

The cross of my life
Small when to my Lord’s I compare
Sweet to share His suffering
With me eternal riches He does share

 The cross, the divine intersection
May we embrace with grateful heart
For in the moment we accept it

Flow of God’s graces do then start

The Cross of Christ
May it convict the heart and mind
For in repentance and transformation
Divine joy and peace we find

The Cross of my Lord
May it remind me continually
Of the unending, undying love
That my Savior has for me

Behold the Cross of Calvary
Expressing my Lord’s Love
He died for me, His daughter
That I may be with Him above

And he bearing his cross went forth
into a place called the place of a skull,
which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha:
Where they crucified him, and two other
with him, on either side one,
and Jesus in the midst.

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